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"Dear children, lets not just merely say that we love one another; let us show it by our actions..."

1st John 3:18

Love Out Loud is a non-profit ministry dedicated to meeting the needs of men, women, and children who call the streets of Houston, TX home. With a burden in their hearts to fulfill the mandate of 1st John 3:18, Gary and Penny, along with their faithful L.O.L. team have ministered God's love to over 40,000 individuals living on Houston's streets.


With a car full of sack lunches, clothing, and a few blankets, one snowy day in December of 2009, Gary and Penny set out searching the streets for anyone in need. On that day, they encountered cold and hungry people, starving not only for food, but also to know that someone cared. Encountering people grateful for the love they were shown, Gary and Penny's burden for the homeless was not only confirmed; it grew stronger. With a longing in their hearts to do more,  Love  Out Loud  was born as they began weekly packing lunches and clothing to share with Houston's homeless. Rapidly, the numbers of those Love  Out  Loud  helped started to grow; and continues to grow to this day. Today, each Saturday, Love Out Loud hands out over 400 sack lunches, clothing, shoes, hygiene packs, and other essential items that have been donated. As they faithfully serve and fulfill God's mandate, Gary and Penny continue to dream of ways to do more and more!   

1st John 3:18

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​Find us:

2211 Rayford Rd.
Suite 111 #303

Spring, TX 77386

© 2013 Love Out Loud 

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